
1. General

The parties referred to in this policy are (the site and you, the user of this site.

This Privacy Policy describes how we use information received about you when you visit or otherwise use our online services. This policy does not cover information received through channels other than through the use of the site.

2. Revisions reserve the right to revise or modify this policy at any time and in any way.

3. Information we collect

Visitors to can interact with us in several ways. Depending on the level of interaction, we will collect different type of information about you. Information collected is as follows:

- Members: Members are those users who interact with in a way which requires registration, such as submitting stories, bookmarking or uploading content to the site. Members will be asked to provide a valid e-mail address during the process of registering a username.

- Browsers: Browsers are visitors to the who do not use any active data collection pages. Browsers may view content uploaded by registered members. Any information gathered from browsers is also gathered from registered members. This information is restricted to cookies, IP Addresses and Referral URLs, and other passive information gathering (see below).